Where to eat
Briefly about the event
Škrletovo is a boutique wine festival that is held with the aim of promoting the autochthonous Moslavina Škrlet wine variety.
Škrlet Moslavina Association, Ivanić-Grad Tourist Board and Ivanić-Grad participate in the organization of the event.
Škrlet white, also known as ram yellow or sweet ram, is an autochthonous variety of wine that has a full, rounded, sour and delicate varietal aroma. There is a relatively small total population, which today is dominantly cultivated in the wine subregion of Moslavina.
The name Škrlet probably comes from the reddish color of the ripe berry, which in older professional literature was often used to describe the color of the fruit.
Currently, there are close to 70 ha of vineyards under Škrlet in Croatia, and this variety has great potential. It is most often produced as a fresh, dry still wine, but today it can be bought and tasted as a young and aged wine, in the form of sparkling wine, predicate, and as an ecological wine.
Program of the event
Ovnek returns in style and brings reinforcements!
Ovnek received reinforcements from all over Moslavina, so he invites you to this year's ŠkrletOvO in Ivanić-Grad.
The ŠkrletOvO event in Ivanić-Grad has been held since 2018 with the aim of popularizing this Moslavina autochthonous wine variety. This year, winemakers from all over Moslavina are participating in the ŠkrletOVO event, bringing with them all styles of Škrlet; sparkling wines, young wines, macerates, coupages and much more.
Date and venue: Hotel Sport, Ivanić-Grad, Saturday 06.04. from 4 p.m.
Organizers: TZ Ivanić-Grada and Association škrlet Moslavina
Project coordinator: wine promoter Ivana Pranjić and Janko Kezele, president of the Udruga Škrlet Moslavina
Head of the professional program: associate professor, Ph.D. Zvjezdana Marković
Workshop leader: Sommelier Tomo Jakopović
4:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. Panel "Position of the skarlet on the modern wine scene", moderated by Prof. dr. Zvjezdana Marković, participants: wine publicist Saša Špiranec and associate professor Ana-Marija Jagatić Korenika
4:30 p.m. – 6 p.m. Workshop on "Potentials of škrlet in gastronomy", moderated by sommelier Tomislav Jakopović. Combining different styles of škrlet with snacks from all over Croatia.
7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Presentation and tasting of skrlet on the promenade accompanied by the musical accompaniment of the "Oridano" gypsy jazz band.
Whose wines will you taste:
• Kezela wines
• Winery Voštinić – Klasnić
• Vijarija Florijanović
• OPG Ivan Kosovec
• Klet Romić
• Glavica wines
• Vina Seletković
• Vina Košutić
• Lagena Winery
• OPG Zoran Jančar
• Miklažić Winery
• Mikša Winery
Places for the workshop and panel are limited, so please reserve your places in time by emailing info@corkcroatia.hr. The price of participation is €20 per person. Places will be filled upon application.
Admission to the tasting is free. If you like the offer of wine for €11, take a glass and 5 coupons (deposit for a glass €5, they will be returned when the glass is returned) and enjoy the all-night program.
Parking in front of Hotel Sport is FREE, and in cooperation with Taxi Petričević from Ivanić-Grad (091 3320 300), you can drive at a price of €5 per direction for up to 4 people, just say you are going to ŠkrletOvO.
Catering offer at the event
At the event, you can taste the wines of local winemakers Voštinić-Klasnić, Kezele, Rukavina, Mikša, Miklažić, Lagena and Florijanović, as well as a variety of street and finger food.
Arrival in the city and parking
Free parking is available throughout the city, which you can find at the following locations:
Industrial road / Crosco
60 places
Vukovarska Street
80 places
Vukovarska Street / Behind Naftalan Special Hospital
80 places
Olmadinska Street / In front of the Health Center
50 places
Olmadinska Street / In front of Hotel Crosco
50 places
Kolodvorska Street / Near the railway station
60 places
Alojza Vulinca Street / Near Alojza Vulinca Memorial Home:
30 places