Where to eat
Briefly about the event
Black Gold Night Run is a night road race of 8 km that takes place in Ivanić-Grad in December.
The race is symbolically held during the celebration of Saint Barbara, the patron saint of miners, firefighters and good death, and also connected with Advent customs.
The specialty of this race are the lighted oil pumps, which are part of the city's identity, industrial development and heritage of Ivanić-Grad. The oil pumps are guides for runners who pass by them, which creates a special atmosphere for the entire event.
This race aims to sensitize the public about the importance of movement and healthy habits. With this race, Ivanić-Grad also celebrates one of its three black golds - oil.
The event is held with the support of INA d.d. and the City of Ivanić-Grad.
Program of the event
The programme will be available around November 15, 2023.
Catering offer at the event
Refreshments are organized for race participants.
During the race, the Advent in Ivanić is held in the city, where local producers present their Christmas assortment and rich gastronomic offer.
Arrival in the city and parking
Free parking is available throughout the city, which you can find at the following locations:
Industrial road / Crosco
60 places
Vukovarska Street
80 places
Vukovarska Street / Behind Naftalan Special Hospital
80 places
Olmadinska Street / In front of the Health Center
50 places
Olmadinska Street / In front of Hotel Crosco
50 places
Kolodvorska Street / Near the railway station
60 places
Alojza Vulinca Street / Near Alojza Vulinca Memorial Home:
30 places